LLST Legal London Sponsored Walk

A team of walkers from Campbell Johnston Clark including Julian Clark, Sunaina Sidar, Tom Burdass, Caroline Stewart, Katie Cronin, Trudy Pisani, Steve Brown, Maria Borg Barthet, Menelaos Nicolaou and Jonathan Campbell will be joining another two thousand lawyers and members of the legal profession on a 10km sponsored walk round legal London on 16 May 2011.

This is an event organised by the London Legal Support Trust of which our partner Julian Clark is a founding Trustee.  The charity since its start a few years ago has made a real difference to the support of those in London and the home counties that would otherwise have restricted access to justice by supporting the efforts of various support agencies and law centres.  What started out as a small sponsored walk has now grown into one of the largest events in the legal calendar with the walkers including the leading members of the judiciary, bar and solicitors profession.

If you would like to know more about LLST, the walk and its work go to http://londonlegalsupporttrust.org.uk.   If you would like to make a donation to the CJC team our online donation site is  http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/CJCMarineLaw.