News & Updates

Straight Bill of Lading Leaves Cargo Interests in Dire Straits

Sumanu Natural Resources Ltd v Mediterranean Shipping Co SA [2016] EWCA Civ 34 CJC has prepared an article on the above judgment, which illustrates a number of pitfalls that can arise where straight bills of lading are used. Please click the link below to...

Iran Sanctions Update January 2016

CJC has prepared an article in relation to Iranian sanctions following Implementation Day in relation to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. Please click the link below to read the article. Iranian Sanctions - Recent Developments ...

CJC Singapore New Office

CJC Singapore has moved to new larger offices with effect from January 2016. The new office details are as follows: Campbell Johnston Clark Singapore LLP 83 Amoy Street #04-01 Singapore 069902 Office telephone: +65 6812 9310  ...

CJC Singapore ranked as a Leading Firm in Legal 500 Asia Pacific

   The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2016 Edition has ranked Campbell Johnston Clark Singapore LLP in Tier 3, reflecting the firm’s    progress in Asia since opening in 2014. This is the firm’s first entry in the Asia  ...

CJC have been awarded the Legal 500 UK Firm of the Year - Transportation

Legal 500 UK have announced that Campbell Johnston Clark is the winner of their 2015 award for Transport (Shipping) Law Firm of the Year. The awards are handed down to the world’s elite legal professionals after many months of detailed research and...

Res Cogitans Judgment

Please read the below article put together by Louise Lazarou and Allen Marks in relation to the Res Cogitans Judgment.  Please click  here   to read the article. ...

Children North East Golf Day - Thank You

CJC was once again proud to be a co-sponsor and participate in the 2015 Children North East Charity Golf Tournament on Monday 14th September at Close House. CJC had a team comprised of players from North P&I and local ship owners Gillie &...

MTM Hong Kong

Julian Clark and Louise Lazarou discuss the recent High Court judgment in the MTM Hong Kong. Please click on the link below to read the article. MTM Hong Kong Article ...

CJC sponsors officer cadet

We are pleased to announce that Campbell Johnston Clark will sponsor an officer cadet though the Maritime London Officer Cadet Scholarship for the next three years. The successful candidate is Matthew Kenney, who has previously been involved with the Sea...

Styliani Z - Admiralty Court Judgment on Time Limits

Please see the below link where Skuld comment on CJC's recent case. ...
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