News & Updates

Is Mediation Now Compulsory?

In recent years, mediation has been embraced by the English Courts, which view it as a useful tool with which to encourage settlement. The recent Court of Appeal judgment in  Thakkar v Patel  is the latest in a series of decisions reflecting this...

Spotlight on sanctions

Sanctions have a huge impact in international trade. They are strictly applied and breach can mean severe consequences, both financially and in terms of reputation and access to markets. They currently receive little media attention, but should never go...

No loss in the "OCEAN VICTORY" - a black hole for recourse claims?

This article considers the less talked about outcome of the "OCEAN VICTORY" ([2017] UKSC 35) in the Supreme Court creating a new danger that, where a vessel is subject to a chain of charters, the wording of the charters may prevent a loss being...

Associated ownership and enduring claims - buyer beware

Caveat emptor - clean title does not always mean 'absolutely clean' title. South Africa is one of a small number of creditor-friendly maritime jurisdictions, and in appropriate cases advice should be taken to ensure that a buyer gets unencumbered...

Blockchain technology and bills of lading: Blockchain Bills?

Blockchain is a term which is heard increasingly in the shipping industry. This article explains this technology, suggesting how it may gain prominence via its open platforms compared to the relatively closed platform which is, perhaps, in part responsible...

Is it safe to reserve using costs budget figures?

The recent Merrix decision means that more importance is now placed on the costs budgeting stage. In most cases this should mean that there can be greater reliance on the latest costs budget. This is good for clients. Click here to read the full article. ...

Hull Insurance in the Age of Autonomy

CJC Associate, Richard Murray, discusses the potential impact of autonomous shipping and cyber risks on marine underwriting and English insurance law in the March 2017 edition of 'theBridge' magazine; reproduced here with the kind...

Policies, perils and proofs...

This article discusses why a key distinction can become blurred and offers a reminder that a valid policy claim always needs something out of the ordinary – a fortuity. However, does this requirement exist in a policy which is framed as "all...

Quarterly Case Update, April 2017

Our latest quarterly case update containing a digest of and commentary on interesting and important recent decisions. Feel free to direct comments or questions to any of the contributors to this edition of the quarterly update or to your usual CJC contact. ...

To Boldly Go

To boldly go: insurance policies governed by UK law and made or varied on after 4 May 2017 may now include an implied term that insurers must pay within a reasonable time. Section 13A of the Insurance Act 2015 creates a brand-new action for damages with new...
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